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USB Wifi Dongle for WALL MOUNT Cooper & Hunter Ductless Mini Split Air Conditioners

Ships the fastest out of any of our products! USB dongle plugs in to a specific port in Wall Mount Type mini split air conditioning systems. Compatible with select wall mounts...

Cooper&Hunter Wired Wall Thermostat Controller with a Built-in Smart Kit for Ceilings Cassettes, Universal Floor and Ceiling, and Multi Position Air Handlers

Cooper&Hunter Wired Wall Thermostat Controller with a Built-in Smart Kit. This Cooper&Hunter wired thermostat controller is compatible with brand's 4-way Cassettes, 1-way Cassettes, Slim Duct, Universal Floor Ceiling, and Multi-Position...

Explore the convenience of controlling your ductless mini split systems with our refined selection of WiFi adapters. These advanced USB modules, such as the Cooper & Hunter USB WiFi Dongle and the Smart Port Adapter, allow seamless management of air conditioners via smartphones. Enhance your home's comfort and efficiency by effortlessly adjusting your living space's climate from any location. Our reliable WiFi adapters are designed for ease of use, integrating modern technology to optimize the performance of your ductless mini split system. Experience personalized temperature control and transform your indoor environment with these sophisticated devices.